Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about different forms of Prayer and the habit of praying. Find resources at www.connectwithcalvary.org/dailyconnection/2018/2/19/deeper-dive-podcast-40-days-of-prayer-week-1
Deeper Dive Podcast (Lightened By The Light - Week 6)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac continue to talk about the Transfiguration.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Lightened By The Light - Week 5)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about the unique and expanding role of located space and memory in worship.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Lightened By The Light - Week 4)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about some of the background of Israel's prophets in the time of Micah.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Lightened By The Light - Week 3)
Michael and Isaac talk about some of the language in Mark 4:35-41 and Matthew 14:22-33 as well as the way the two stories follow similar structures.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Lightened By The Light - Week 2)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about the unique role of music in our lives.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Lightened By the Light - Week 1)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about the season of Epiphany.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Coming Home - Week 5)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about the background of the Anna and Simeon stories in Luke's Gospel.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Coming Home - Week 4)
Randy and Debbie continue the discussion on Mary's Song in Luke along with Zechariah's Song and Hannah's Song.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Coming Home - Week 3)
Randy and Debbie talk about joy in the context of Advent.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Coming Home - Week 2)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about some of the origins of Advent and follow up on the background of Psalm 85.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Coming Home - Week 1)
Debbie, Randy, and Isaac talk about the historical background of Isaiah 64 and its signifigance for understanding Isaiah in general and this chapter in specific.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Enter His Gates With Thanksgiving)
Randy and Debbie talk about the habit of being thankful.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Releasing God's Best - Self-Control)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about more of the original language behind our word "self-control."
Deeper Dive Podcast (Releasing God's Best - Gentleness)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about what the "great cloud of witnesses" refers to along with more discussion about gentleness.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Releasing God's Best - Faithfulness)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about faithfulness and the phrase "the fear of God."
Deeper Dive Podcast (Releasing God's Best - Kindness and Goodness)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about Paul's use of "Goodness" and the larger context of Galatians.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Releasing God's Best - Patience)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about patience in light of other instances in the Bible.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Releasing God's Best - Peace)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about peace in the context of Jesus' words from Matthew "I come not to bring peace, but a sword…"
Deeper Dive Podcast (Releasing God's Best - Joy)
Randy and Debbie talk about the fruit of joy.