Evergreen Event

Volunteers needed for our next event at Evergreen (1701 S Evergreen Ln in Normal) on Tuesday, April 1 6:30-7:30 p.m. We will be meeting in the dining room where we will make Easter bonnets and show off our new looks in a parade! Enjoy treats and good conversation. Feel free to bring your own hat(s) to upcycle for this activity, as well! All ages and abilities are welcome. If you have any questions or would like to confirm your attendance, please contact Erin Scott

Special Charge Conference

On Sunday, April 6 at 11:35 a.m. (immediately after the second worship service), Calvary will be holding a special charge conference for the sole business matter of approving Jacob Kersh, our Director of Contemporary Worship, as a candidate for ministry in the United Methodist Church. Jacob has experienced a call to ministry in his life, is finishing his second semester of seminary studies, and by April 6 will have been recommended by our Staff-Parish Relations Committee as a candidate for ministry. By approving Jacob as a candidate, Calvary recognizes the call of God in Jacob's life and approves him for a status that will allow him to move forward in our denomination's process towards becoming a pastor. As a called charge conference, everybody is welcome to attend this brief meeting, and all members of Calvary UMC are allowed to vote on the business before us. As a special called session, this conference is only allowed to consider the business for which it is called (Jacob's candidacy) and will not be able to work on any other business. 

Musicians Needed

The band will primarily be geared toward youth, but all ages are welcome! We will practice in the choir room/G108 from 10:00-10:30 a.m. each Sunday from March 30 until we perform in May. If anyone is unable to make rehearsals but would like to take part, we can give you music to practice at home. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Gully


We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. starting April 8. This session consists of 13 consecutive weeks which you may attend every week or as many weeks that you are able to attend.
The first week includes registration, introductions, orientation and the first week DVD followed by discussion. We provide desserts each class. Books will be available to purchase in the class for $20.00.
Anyone who has had a recent or past loss of an individual are welcome.
We look forward to meeting you. Please register here. 

All Church Lent Study

During the season of Lent this year, Calvary UMC will be joining in an All Church Study of the book "The Walk" by author and pastor Adam Hamilton. This book, and its connecting study, asks us to consider some of the spiritual practices that we can include in our lives to help us draw closer to God.
Our Sunday morning worship services will be focusing on "The Walk" from March 9-April 13. Small Group and Sunday School classes are offering a group study connected to this worship series. Alternatively, you can find or create a group to connect with during the season of Lent. Reach out to staff if you need assistance connecting with a group.
Starting February 23, copies of the book will be available for sale in the atrium on Sunday mornings for $12. Everyone is encouraged to pick up a copy and read a chapter a week through Lent.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will begin meeting Tuesday, February 11. We will be working on shawls as well as hats, scarves, and mittens of all sizes. Join us as we work and pray every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 9:30-11am in L7.  No experience is required. All materials are provided, including yarn, patterns, and needles/hooks. We also have shawls available to be given to individuals in need of warmth and comfort. For more information, contact Linda Ferrence.

Faith in Action

Faith in Action is a community service that helps people 60 and older live independently. There are many flexible volunteer opportunities including medical transportation to doctors, physical therapy, etc., grocery shopping, friendly visiting, and special projects. See www.bnfia.org for more information.
This year we have a couple trips planned. New Orleans in May (already filled) and Montreal & Quebec & Canada's Capital City - Ottawa in September 27-October 4.
Faith in Action is also celebrating its 20 Anniversary in 2025. One of the events planned is 20 over 60 where nominees over 60 are making a difference in McLean County via their professional, volunteer, philanthropic or community activities. See nomination form on www.bnfia.org under News & Events. Or, contact Jan Kibler at (309) 824-3783.

Youth Group Night

Calvary United Methodist Church's Youth Group will now be meeting on Tuesday nights. Fifth through 8th grade Youth Group will happens from 6-7 p.m. Youth from Middle School and Hight School are invited for "hang-out time" until 7:30, and High School programming occurs from 7:45 to about 8:45 p.m. Come to the Gym entrance for all youth programming. If your youth has another commitment and needs to arrive late, that's absolutely fine. If your youth hasn't been attending, this is a great time to encourage them to come! 

Workcamp 2025

Workcamp for students currently in 8th through 12th grade (and adults as leaders) will be July 5-July 11 this year in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Registration is now open! Check out the registration form for more information. Scholarships are available. More information about this experience can be found on Group Mission Trips website. We’ll have a more specific informational session as the week gets closer. Experience this transformational week, serving and growing closer to God and others.

Safe Harbor

Our Calvary family is committed to serving meals on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at Safe Harbor. This is a great way to serve your community with your friends and family. Preparing and serving doesn't take long and isn't difficult, but it is a great need you can help with. We have 22 spots open for 2025. When could you serve?
If you have never served or would like more information, please contact Tammy Carlson at 309-533-6663 to help you get started or connect you with a group. We do need more groups on our mailing list.

Backpack Ministry

The Backpack Ministry provides food for students in the free and reduced lunch program at Parkside Elementary School. We pack bags of food for the students to take home on Fridays so that they have food over the weekend. The bulk of the food that we pack comes from Midwest Food Bank. We are looking for volunteers to help us on one Wednesday morning a month for an hour or two to help with the packing of the bags. No experience is required and we welcome all ages. We meet one Wednesday each month in the school year at 10:45 a.m. in the lower level classrooms. Contact Brenda Leopard for any inquiries.

Email Hacked

Greetings, all. We have once again heard that an email has gone out alleging to be from staff members of our church. If you receive an email claiming to be from Pastor Vince or any other staff member that is not from an official church email, it should be treated with great suspicion if not completely disregarded. Please be safe and vigilant to protect yourself from scammers.

College Care

Do you have college students in your household?  Let Calvary College Care send your students encouraging inspirations and blessings by mail, email or text.  It will be a reminder that their Calvary family will continue to pray for them and continue to be an important part of their faith journey. Click here to sign up. In order for us to have the current information, the form needs to be completed each year. 

The Loom Project

Interested in being involved in weaving mats for The Loom Project? Join us for weaving sessions - 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon; 2nd and 4th Sundays from 2-4 p.m. We meet in the weaving room on the lower level. No weaving experience necessary - just come join us!  Mats will be donated to Abundant Life Church in Bloomington.

Calvary's Food Pantry

Please consider donating a few easy-to-prepare food items each month. Some suggested shelf-stable items include: canned meats, protein bars, peanut butter, grains, soup, nuts, oils, seasonings, toiletries, beans, crackers, pasta, etc. 

If you are hoping to receive items from the pantry, it is located in our entryway and available at any time of the day to anyone.

Alzheimer's Support Group

Are you a caregiver, family member, or friend of someone with dementia? If so, you are invited – and encouraged – to attend the Alzheimer’s support group. The mission of this group is to provide education and support to caregivers and loved ones. Please note that it is not designed for those with dementia. Meetings are held in Calvary’s conference room on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.

Facilitators are Mary Sanko and Lurinda Venezia.