Outreach Ministries
Calvary gives 10% of our income back to various outreach ministries at the local, national, and international level. If you would like to engage with any of our outreach opportunities, please contact Al Behrens at al.behrens@connectwithcalvary.org.
This group sends inspirational notes and packages to Calvary college students. During this influential time of their lives, we want them to know their Calvary family is praying for them and keeping in touch with birthday cards, holiday cards and final exam packets.
The Baby Fold focuses on improving the lives of children and families by building safe, loving, healthy environments through adoption services, foster care, residential care, special education and family and community services.
This group coordinates a collection of supplies for teachers to have throughout the year to give to children who run out of supplies and do not have the means to replace them.
A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children's lives all over the world in Jesus' Name through the power of a simple gift with Operation Christmas Child.
Volunteers from this group meet about 5 times per year at the Midwest Food Bank to help sort and package food for those in need in our community and around the world.
This group provides opportunities for volunteers to welcome and/or provide a meal or snacks for visiting groups to the church.
Home Sweet Home Ministries serves Christ by providing food, shelter and hope to the hungry, homeless and hurting.
This group serves the Haitian people through several opportunities. They travel to northern Haiti and partner with Haitian organizations to do a variety of projects. Individual team members have the opportunity to learn about themselves, strengthen their relationship with God, and truly make a difference in the life of someone in Haiti.
Seeking to put God's love in action, Habitat brings people together to build homes, community and hope. Habitat's ReStore Shop enables people to recycle gently used items while the profits go to Habitat to help build homes.
A group of women who share God's love with each other while doing sewing projects together. A light lunch will be served each week.
FIA provides spiritual, physical, and emotional support to seniors 60 years and over and their caregivers to maintain independence, dignity, and improved quality of life. We accomplish this through an interfaith network of volunteers, congregations and community organizations.
This group is for those interested in this opportunity and still need to go through training. These persons respond to communities hit by tornadoes or other natural disasters. The team is neither a first response group of emergency workers nor a recovery, rebuild or repair team. Rather, it fills a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish the presence of the church.
Trained by the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, these persons respond to communities hit by tornadoes or other natural disasters. The team is neither a first response group of emergency workers nor a recovery, rebuild or repair team. Rather, it fills a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish the presence of the church.
Through U of I's Wesley Foundation, Illini Fighting Hunger packages meals from bulk food so that families can have nutritional, easy to prepare meals.
This group manages our community garden. They do the tilling, compost, planting, weeding, watering, harvesting, packaging, weighing and delivering produce to the food pantries.
Volunteers use plastic bags to weave waterproof barrier mats for the homeless in our community.
This group coordinates food packaging every week-end for children in the free or reduced lunch program for a specific school.
In Pawnee- volunteer teams participate in service projects to put together supplies that are sent to areas in need around the globe.
American Red Cross is the largest single supplier of blood and blood products in the United States. Providing life-saving blood and blood products to patients is a key component of the Red Cross mission to help people in times of emergency and disasters.