our curriculum
Calvary Kid Connections Preschool is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Calvary Preschool uses a copyrighted research based curriculum called Activate to Learn. The classroom curriculum strives for each child to develop to their potential while encouraging hands on learning.
our daily schedule
Calvary Kid Connections Preschool is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (naeyc) (http://www.naeyc.org). Calvary Preschool uses a copyrighted research based curriculum called activate to learn. The classroom curriculum strives for each child to develop to their potential while encouraging hands on learning.
Each preschool day provides a variety of activities both structured and non structured. The preschool day may consist of, but not limited to:
Child drop off
Free Choice
Classroom Prayer
Group time
Indoor or outdoor play
Field trips
Daily teacher talk
Religious Content
Kid Connections Preschool is an outreach ministry of Calvary United Methodist Church. The Christian values of love and respect are taught. Children participate in a chapel time. Christmas and Easter are celebrated.
Discipline Policy
Teachers are consistent with the classroom rules and expectations. If needed, teachers will first state what is expected and redirect the child to a different activity. If time out is needed, it will not last longer than the child’s age. Any form of corporal punishment, abusive language, ridicule, harsh or humiliating treatment is against preschool policy.