Worship Bulletin

 for Sunday, march 23, 2024

What’s Happening in Worship Today

The Walk: Service

This Sunday we continue our Lent study of spiritual practices that can enhance our walk with God, using Adam Hamilton's book "The Walk" as our guide. Sometimes our walk with God includes more than what happens in our church buildings and our private Bible readings. What we do in our lives, in particular the kindness that we show and the deeds of service and compassion that we do, are as much a part of our walk with Jesus as anything else. Join us this Sunday as we look at what that means and how we all can live into it.

9:00 amtraditional SERVICe

Prelude • Come, Ye Sinners, arr. Joan PinkstonGretchen Church
Welcome & Announcements • Pastor Vince Rohn
†God of Grace and God of Glory •
UMH #577
Prayers of the People • Sandy Whiteley
Lord’s Prayer
Affirmation of Faith­
Stewardship Moment •
Pastor Vince Rohn
Offertory The Garden of Prayer, by Joseph M. Martin Choir
Scripture Reading •
Isaiah 1:11-17 Sandy Dickson
Sermon •
“The Walk: Serving” Pastor Vince Rohn
†Here I Am, Lord •
UMH #593
Benediction •
Pastor Vince Rohn
Postlude •
Take Up Thy Cross, the Savior Said, arr. Howard Helvey Gretchen Church

Please stand if you are able

10:30 ammodern SERVICe

Welcome • Pastor Vince Rohn
†Worship •
Prayers of the People •
Sharyl Jennings
Lord’s Prayer
Stewardship Moment •
Pastor Vince Rohn
Scripture Reading • Isaiah 1:11-17 Pastor Vince Rohn
Sermon •
“The Walk: Serving” • Pastor Vince Rohn
†Worship •
†Sending Forth •
Pastor Vince Rohn

Please stand if you are able

Faith Focusers Table

In the back of the worship center you'll find a table filled with items to help children (and adults even!) during the service. Some of these items help regulate the need for movement and touch which help people remain calm, focused, and attentive. Other items such as Children's Bibles and Worship Wands help children engage more deeply in scripture and worship music. Faith Focus items can be returned to the Return Bucket following service. Children's bulletins do not need returned.

Other Sunday Morning Programming

KidVenture (birth - 4th Grade):

KidVenture programming is available during the 9:00 a.m. worship hour for birth through 4th grade. Programming is available during the 10:30 a.m. worship hour for birth through kindergarten.

Please check-in at the KidVenture Check-in desk located to the left as you enter the main doors. If you are new, a KidVenture leader will help you get checked-in and show you and your children to the rooms. If you’ve attended before, please feel free to use the self check-in stations located in the KidVenture check-in area.

  • Infants through age 3: Nursery A (9 & 10:30 a.m.)

  • Preschool & Kindergarten: Preschool Room 106 (9 & 10:30 a.m.)

  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades: KidVenture Wonder Room (9:00 a.m.)

Preteen (5th-8th Grade):

Sunday † 9-10:00 a.m.
Story Room
Students are invited for a time of worship, discussion, and activities each week.

The Seekers Adult Sunday School class meets in the Parlor at 10:30 a.m. It is a hybrid class also available on Zoom. All are welcome to attend at anytime.

The S.A.L.T. (Study And Learn Together) Sunday school class for adults of any age meets in Room 111 at 10:15 a.m. Each week’s lesson explores a biblical text, with opportunities for discussion and sharing. You are invited to come any time you are available. Lesson materials will be distributed during class, and there is no need to register or prepare ahead of time. Leaders include Leslie and Darin Gully, Steve and Vickie Mahrt and Sandy Theile.

We Want To Hear From You

Sign In and Connect

We’d love to know that you were with us in worship today. In addition to letting us know you’re here, you can also get connected with Amanda Nesby, our director of congregational care, who can get you connected with a small group or study group, help you find a place to serve, connect you with a Pastor, or help you find out about baptism and membership - so check it out; Amanda would love to hear from you.

Prayer Requests

Prayer is a foundational part of who we are at Calvary, and it’s a great way to minister to and support each other in love. Each week those requests are shared (if you’d like) in our weekly news email, right here in worship, and on our prayer chain email.

Give a Financial Gift

Making an online financial gift to Calvary is safe and easy. Simply complete one of the easy forms and your secure payment will be sent.

This Week’s News and Announcements


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