Surviving the Holidays

Description A 2-hour seminar that provides a guide with practical tips, words of encouragement, charts and exercises to help you face and survive the unique stresses of the holiday season after the death of a loved one.

Dates and Time Nov 13 from 6:00-8:00pm.

Childcare Provided Yes

Leader Sharyl Jennings works as the Calvary Church receptionist/volunteer coordinator and has her own Grief Recovery business and is a Certified Life Coach.

Sign up here

Disciple Bible Study II (Traditional Track)

Description Disciple Bible Study is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). It is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing your Christian faith. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. The Traditional Track is comprised of four, year-long courses beginning with Disciple 1 - “Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (the starting point)”, Disciple 2 - “Inside the Word, Into the World”; Disciple 3 - “Remember Who You Are”; and Disciple 4 - “Under the Tree of Life.” This is a 34 week commitment (17 in the fall and 17 in the spring).

Dates and Time Mondays (Sept - April) from 6:00-8:30pm

Childcare Provided Yes

Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There is study, reflection, and some preparation for the class.

Leader All of our leaders have taken Disciple Bible Study and many have taught classes for several years.

A Word from the Leader “The study of God's word helps strengthen, shape, mold, and fill the lives of Christians. This Bible study was created to equip God's children for their spiritual growth and for service in God's Kingdom.”

Sign up here

Disciple Bible Study II (Fast Track)

Description Disciple Bible Study is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). It is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing your Christian faith. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. In Disciple Fast Track, the fall session will study Genesis and Exodus.

Dates and Time Sundays (Sept - April) from 10:15-11:30am

Childcare Provided Yes

Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There is study, reflection, and some preparation for the class.

Leader All of our leaders have taken Disciple Bible Study and many have taught classes for several years.

A Word from the Leader “The study of God's word helps strengthen, shape, mold, and fill the lives of Christians. This Bible study was created to equip God's children for their spiritual growth and for service in God's Kingdom.”

Sign up here

Disciple Bible Study I (Traditional Track)

Description Disciple Bible Study is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). It is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing your Christian faith. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. The Traditional Track is comprised of four, year-long courses beginning with Disciple 1 - “Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (the starting point)”, Disciple 2 - “Inside the Word, Into the World”; Disciple 3 - “Remember Who You Are”; and Disciple 4 - “Under the Tree of Life.” This is a 34 week commitment (17 in the fall and 17 in the spring).

Dates and Time Mondays (Sept - April) from 6:00-8:00pm

Childcare Provided Yes

Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There is study, reflection, and some preparation for the class.

Leader All of our leaders have taken Disciple Bible Study and many have taught classes for several years.

A Word from the Leader “The study of God's word helps strengthen, shape, mold, and fill the lives of Christians. This Bible study was created to equip God's children for their spiritual growth and for service in God's Kingdom.”

Sign up here

Disciple Bible Study I (Fast Track)

Description Disciple Bible Study is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). It is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing your Christian faith. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. In Disciple Fast Track, the fall session will study the New Testament.

Dates and Time Mondays (Sept - April) from 6:00-8:30pm

Childcare Provided Yes

Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There is study, reflection, and some preparation for the class.

Leader All of our leaders have taken Disciple Bible Study and many have taught classes for several years.

A Word from the Leader “The study of God's word helps strengthen, shape, mold, and fill the lives of Christians. This Bible study was created to equip God's children for their spiritual growth and for service in God's Kingdom.”

Sign up here

Young Adult Ministry

The mission statement of this new ministry at Calvary is:  "To help young adults connect with God, one another, and our world. As a means to grow in Christ, we will help young adults partner with one another as well as the congregation and to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."  This ministry will include small groups, serving opportunities, fellowship events, and more.  This is open to people who consider themselves ‘young'…specifically, anyone post high school to mid-thirties…or older if you'd like!

The initial celebration and introduction will be January 14 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the gym.  Children are welcome to attend and there will also be childcare provided.  We will have dinner for everyone, followed by some opportunities to get to know others or get reacquainted as we help folks form small groups of those in attendance as well as others who might be interested.  Other items for the night will be the development of serving plans based upon the input of those attending.  In order to have enough food, please RSVP by going here.

The launch team consists of people who showed initial interest and happen to include 2 single college Freshmen, a married student, a professional man, a single mom, and a couple with children.  Together, they represent a variety of viewpoints, yet a focused desire to build a strong ministry with young adults of all stages.

First Wednesdays

First Wednesdays are designed to support intergenerational ministry - that is ministry to people of every and all generations by people of every and all generations. Children, Youth, Young Adults, Adults, and Grandpas and Grandmas learn from each other in a variety of ways how to serve the Lord and to share their faith.

Time 6:00-7:00pm (Gym)

September 5 - All Church Picnic and Potluck

October 3
- Matthew 25 Challenge Event

November 7
- Food packaging with Illini Fighting Hunger

December 5 - Christmas Party



Date and Time Wednesdays, 7:30 pm (chapel)

Beloved is our ministry for our upperclassmen (Junior and Senior) girls to gather. We spend time in prayer, discuss a weekly biblical lesson and share what's going on in our lives. Beloved is a place for Junior and Senior girls from all backgrounds to come together as sisters-in-Christ for spiritual growth, support and friendship.

No sign-up needed.

Girls of Grace


Date and Time Wednesdays, 7:30 pm (G003)

Our ministry for 9th & 10th grade girls is called Girls of Grace. Each week, we gather in the Parlor to share  about our lives, dive into what the Bible says about God's will for us and cover topics such as dating, family relationships and school. All girls currently in 9th and 10th grade are invited  to attend.

No sign-up needed.

Wild At Heart

Age Group High School Guys

Date and Time Wednesdays, 7:30 pm (G005)

Wild at Heart is our Senior High guys ministry. We meet weekly to discuss life, the Bible and our relationship with God. Topics range from pressures at school to pop culture, family relationships and work issues. All Senior High guys are invited to attend.

No sign-up needed.

KidVenture Story

Age Group 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Grades

Date and Time Sundays, 9:00am and 10:30am

TruStory is designed to reveal The Big God Story of God's redemptive plan for older elementary-age kids. Children will engage in anticipate time, worship, worship response time, and small group connection time. Parents are invited to join us at pick-up time for a special blessing.

No sign-up needed.

KidVenture Wonder

Age Group Preschool 4, Kindergarten, 1st Grade

Date and Time Sundays, 9:00am and 10:30am

TruWonder reveals the wonder of who God is to children. Children will engage in explore stations, time to discover God's Word, worship, worship response time, and small group connection time. Parents are invited to join us at pick-up time for a special blessing.

No sign-up needed.