Prayer Time

Prayer is a fundamental part of the Christian faith and is a strength of Calvary. Calvary’s prayer team invites you to join us in the chapel between services for a focused time of prayer for:

  • Our church

  • Our staff

  • Specific prayer requests that have been submitted to Calvary

  • Any other needs.

You may come for the full 30 minutes or join us for just a few minutes.  You can come every week or just when you are moved to do so.  Also, if you feel called to join the Prayer Team on a regular basis, please contact Nancy Behrens, as we would like to grow this ministry.

Calvary’s Prayer Team

Spiritual Gifts Inventory

In his sermon "Living Beyond: Beyond Me," Pastor Vince spoke of the importance of knowing our Spiritual Gifts so we can be the person God created us to be. God desires us to live as a part of something bigger than us and beyond ourselves, equipping us for ministry and service to the church and the world. 
If you haven't completed one before (or it's been a while), a Spiritual Gifts Inventory is a great place to start.