Phase 3 Building Reopening Guidelines

Dear Calvary Family,

Our UMC Conference has moved into Phase 3 of the Bishop’s Plan “Coming Back to the Heart of Worship.” We want to share what that means for Calvary’s building. As you know, Calvary as a church body has never closed. We continue to meet for worship online and many of our small groups and Bible Studies continue to gather virtually as well. Meeting together is an important part of our faith, and we love that so many of you have continued to gather, even in ways that have pushed you beyond your comfort zone. We continue to encourage you to meet virtually as much as possible during Phase 3 and desire to equip you to do so if you are not currently meeting.

As we move into Phase 3, we will follow the guidelines the Bishop has set for us. A team of your Calvary family, comprised of medical workers, a therapist, and law enforcement, along with your lay leader, Church Council Chair, the Managing Directors, and Directing Pastor have gathered to determine how to most safely use the Calvary building according to John Wesley’s first principle of Do No Harm.

The building will be available for limited use in Phase 3 beginning June 15, 2020. Groups of up to 10 people are able to schedule meeting space ahead of time by contacting Angie Bicknell at No walk-in meetings will be allowed to meet due to strict cleaning standards that must be maintained following a meeting, as well as accurate records of attendees in the event contact tracing protocols need to be enacted. Groups deciding to meet at the building will need to follow the specific Calvary guidelines. Please review the Bishop’s Plan as well as Calvary’s Phase 3 Group Guidelines to be aware of what is required.  

Please notice that your meetings on-site will look different than before. We encourage you to talk through that as a group before deciding to meet in person. We acknowledge this can be difficult emotionally, as can the idea of meeting virtually if you have never done that before. We stand ready to equip you in whichever way you decide to meet. Please understand that the guidelines are not meant to be unnecessarily restrictive; they are meant to be loving and keep our church family safe.

During the Bishop’s Phase 3 Plan, worship will continue in an online-only format at Calvary. While this is not the same as in-person worship, this format allows us to gather around and respond to the words of Scripture, the work of the Spirit, and the witness of each other; even in these physically separated times. Our online participation continues to match, and in some ways outpace, our in-person attendance in the building. If you have not joined us yet for worship online, it’s never too late to start. Head to to get connected.

The Building Reopening Team

Jon Butler, Church Council Chairperson
Joe Landon, Lay Leader
Michelle Rolley
Jill Huber
Amy Loveless
Kelly Hackman
Jeff Caughron
Lori Short, Managing Director of Family Ministry
Ray Slaubaugh, Managing Director of Operations
Isaac Gaff, Managing Director of Worship and Creative Arts
Sylvester Weatherall, Directing Pastor