Stewardship 2018 Web Masthead.png



At Calvary United Methodist Church, our mission is "to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." We seek to accomplish our mission by "connecting people to God, one another, and our world through worship, wisdom, and works." We call this vision "The Journey." Every person's journey is unique, but we all travel together and help one another along the road.


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Our 2018 Stewardship Campaign for the operational budget is our most exciting and faith forming campaign to date. The 2018 budget is a modest 2% increase over last year’s budget. 



Last year, we increased our Outreach budget by 44% and significantly impacted our community and world with the love of God. We increased our partnerships with Habitat for Humanity, the Baby Fold, Home Sweet Home Ministries, and Faith in Action. We also partnered with World Vision to bring clean water to the Buliisa region of Uganda. In 2018, we’ll continue to bring the love of God to those who need it most.



Thanks to your generosity, the Board of Trustees have been able to move forward with the development of a five to eight year facilities maintenance plan. In 2017 they chose to replace the carpet in the worship center, repair the roof, repair the sound system in the worship center, and replace the rugs at the front doors with heavy duty carpet.



As always, the operational budget makes the ongoing ministries of Calvary (like KidVenture, Student Ministry Programs, Worship, Congregational Care, Spiritual Formation, etc.) exist and thrive. This coming year, all of our ministry programs will be able to continue serving the church and the world with minimal budget increases.



Making a pledge is a spiritual discipline. When you pledge (which is different than just giving regularly), you make a commitment to this local Body of Christ at Calvary. You become part of something bigger – something that you can't do alone. When we intentionally cultivate commitment in our lives, our hearts begin to grow and bear spiritual fruit.



If you've never given to Calvary before, we're asking you to take that first step, no matter the amount.
We're praying for 20 new people/families to take this step and begin to give by pledging this year.
If you've been a faithful giver, but have never pledged before, we're asking you to pledge this year and experience pledging as an opportunity to grow your faith. 
We're praying for 20 people/families who have been faithful givers to pledge for the first time.

If you've been faithfully pledging, we're asking you to consider increasing your pledge to help make this next season of ministry at Calvary a reality. 
We're praying for 175 people/families to increase their pledge to grow the ministry of Calvary.