After the wait of Advent, the days of Christmas are for celebration and gratitude, for “exuberant giving and receiving." All the built up anticipation finally breaks forth as we step out of the dark night into the daylight of Christ. With the light shining, we no longer live under the power of our uncertainties and insecurities. For Christ has made things certain and secure, “plain as day." Though shadows still creep into our vision of the world, the ultimate horizon is illuminated with hope.
Our tendency during this couple of weeks is to either collapse from exhaustion or hastily begin hectic preparation for whatever is next—either way missing the fullness of the moment that Christ comes to us. This is a short season to simply enjoy the peace that is promised and provided by Jesus. Especially as a new year approaches, what shadows of fear and doubt still spread into your mind and heart? How do we let the light of Christ cast them out?
Set aside time today for silence to enjoy his peace. Close your eyes and imagine a pure, overwhelming light that fills your view. Let all your thoughts and feelings wash away into it. Whatever worries and preoccupations come to mind in the stillness, simply release them. Don’t entertain or follow these thoughts or even directly focus on them; just gently bring your attention back to the light. Even if the thoughts and feelings are pleasant, don’t cling to them. Christ’s presence exists within us at a level deeper than all our thoughts and feelings. Repeat a simple word (“light” or “grace”) to keep your attention resting only on the light of Christ. The only purpose of this time of prayer is to rest with him near the heart of the Father
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Tomorrow on the Daily Connection: Deeper Dive Podcast (John 1:16-18)
About the Author
Nick Chambers is the Director of Spiritual Formation at Calvary UMC