For the next 4 weeks we'll be praying for those around us. Below is the prayer guide Randy distributed in worship on Sunday. As you pray today, lift up those around you who need encouragement, love, strength, and hope.
- Thank God for your salvation - that He loved you while yet a sinner - “Thank you Lord for saving me - loving me - …”
- Thank Jesus - “Thank you Lord Jesus for living for me, dying for my sins, and rising so I might have life - now and forever.”
- Pray for humility and wisdom as you pray remembering we are all sinners saved by grace.
- Thank God for the person you are about to pray for.
- Speak the name of Jesus over them - “Jesus, I pray Your Name over _________________.
- Lift the person to the Holy Spirit - the Spirit does the work of calling one to Christ - making one aware of their need for God - “Holy Spirit, cover _______ today. I pray in Jesus name they would hear Your voice - yearning - desire.
- In general, bind whatever it might be that keeps them from God. “Lord, in your name I bind doubt or fear or lack of knowledge or awareness that keeps ________ from coming to you.” Again, pray the name of Jesus over them.
- Be patient - keep praying over them - allow the Holy Spirit to speak, work, call, urge, give hunger to the person. (I had a friend who prayed for 40 years for their best friends - 40 years and one day, both of their friends came to Christ)
- Don’t push - this isn’t a sale - it’s an invitation to a friend.
- Keep praying daily the name of Jesus over them. Daily. Daily. Daily.
- Continue to thank God for your salvation, pray for humility and grace, and pray the name of Jesus over them.
- Trust God and keep praying. For forty years if necessary.