Who Is My Neighbor? (Workcamp 2017 Updates)

If you haven't been following the prayer and trip updates from Workcamp 2017, updates and prayer for the week are below. Praise God for the way our youth are loving their neighbors!


We are have had a great visit in Cincinnati!  We got in safe and sound Friday evening (which is not take for granted after last years technical issues:). Yesterday was a great day of riding roller coasters and water slides at King's Island Amusement Park in beautiful 80-degree weather. We ended our evening yesterday with a time of devotions and fellowship playing games.  

Today we are up early packing up about to make the next leg of our journey to Crossville, TN! When we get there we will move into our luxurious classroom floors that we will be sleeping on all week:) This afternoon the youth and adults will meet their work crews for the first time and find out what work they will be doing all week. 

Prayer Focus for Today
Prayers for safe travel
Prayers for peace for the adults as they learn about the work projects they are supposed to be leading this week (whether or not they have the skills)
Prayers for peace for the youth as they meet their crews. 
Prayers for Crossville and especially for our neighbors (what we call the residents of the homes we work in) as they are about to have 5 teenagers enter their homes for a week! 


Yesterday was a great day! All Calvary youth got in safely (those who didn't travel with us on the bus). Everyone is in good spirits after meeting their work crews and even the adults don't seem too overwhelmed by the work they will be leading. Monday morning is always a great morning filled with lots of energy and excitement as the crews head off to their homes for the first time! 

Some stats from this camp:
330ish campers
17 churches represented. 
30 homes

The Cumberland Homestead Elementary School gets its name (and some of its buildings) from President Roosevelt's New Deal. As the Great Depression hit many families migrated out of the mountains looking for work and relief.  the Federal Subsistence Homestead Corporation was the program that built the homestead providing homes and jobs for those who meet the requirements based on character, skill, and commitment. 

Prayer Focus for Today:
Prayers for a fun, productive and safe work week! 
Prayers for peace for the youth as they meet their neighbors. 
Prayers for good weather for the week!
Come Holy Spirit, Come!! 


Happy Tall Sock Tuesday!

I hope you are all sporting your tallest socks today!  Yesterday was a great first day.  Lots of great work getting done and the beginning of many new relationships!  Tuesday always feels like it's the longest day of the work week. Motivation can be tough as it seems like you have all week to get the work done and there isn't the adrenaline of Miracle Friday pushing you through the heat.  So in a sense, today is the toughest day to get through.  Please be praying for perseverance and continued good spirits!  

Prayer Focus for Today:
Prayers for perseverance to get through the work day. 
Prayers for bonding between crews and their neighbors.
Come Holy Spirit, Come!! 


Hello and Happy National Pig-Tail Day!

The campers are working just a half day today and wills be returning to the school at 1pm. Calvary will be heading to Fall Creek Falls State Park for the afternoon and are looking forward to some good hiking in the hills of TN!  Later this afternoon we will make the very anticipated Walmart trip!  We will end our day with a volleyball tournament where Calvary will have several teams challenging the "undefeated" Reach team!  

The sunny forecast has been great and if you can keep praying for the rain to hold off the rest of the week that would be great! If you want to get a little greedy in your prayer life and want to ask God to turn the temp down a bit (with humidity it has been feeling closer to 100 each day) that would be great.  We are very thankful for AC and that we have plenty of water!  

Prayer Focus for Today:
Safety at our work site and for our travels today. 
Prayers that God's creation will speak to us today! 
Come Holy Spirit, Come!! 


Workcamp is flying by for us, it is hard to believe that it is day 7 already! We had a great half-day of work yesterday and then an adventurous afternoon exploring the beautiful trails and water falls of Fall Creek Falls state park. We ended the night with our own team 'Merica defeating the previously "undefeated" Reach team in volleyball! 

Today is an exciting day as we are approaching the finish line on many of the houses.  There will be a few crews who will be finishing up today and it will be hard to say good bye to their neighbors already. Today is also the culmination of Reach's spiritual program.  Please keep tonights evening program in your prayers as there will be time and space for anyone to accept or re-commit to Christ. Lastly, the graduated seniors will be sharing their stories with us tonight in our youth group devotions to end our night.

Prayer Focus for Today:
Safety at our work site. 
Prayers for our neighbors and the relationships being built. 
Prayers for the evening program and our youth group devotions! 



Yesterday was a great day!  God was visibly moving through the camp and especially in our youth! Thank you for your prayers!

All the work crews are out and working hard to finish all of the projects.  Miracle Friday is so named because we have the confidence that God will provide whatever is needed to get the work finished today. It is always awesome to see how He shows up today in little and big things! 

Friday is also the day when most of the worksite injuries and accidents happen as everyone is a little tired.  Please pray for wisdom and safety!

Prayer Focus for Today:

  • Safety at our work site.
  • Prayers for good good-byes to our neighbors and crews. We are thankful for the gift of relationships.

Thank you for all your prayers and support and make sure you high five someone today, after all it is National High Five Day!!