Love Your Neighbor (1 John 4.7-21)


This section in 1 John is one of the most compelling calls to love each other (our neighbors) in the whole Bible. In other areas of the Bible, love of neighbor is seen as central in the work of the Law (the first five books of the Old Testament) and the Prophet (a majority of the rest of the Old Testament) – it comes from obedience (the Law) or correction (the Prophets). But John tells us that love for our neighbor ushers us into the very heart and life of God. God’s nature is an ever flowing circle of love that seemlessly connects
and Holy Spirit.
When we love one another,
we step into that triune circle of love
and are caught up in the giving and receiving,
the emptying and filling,
the sacrifice and fullness,
the ongoing and endless energy that binds the whole universe together and makes it sing.
We step into
the oldest,
and most mysterious experience humans have ever known
by simply loving each other.


About the Author

Isaac Gaff is the Managing Director of Worship and Creative Arts at Calvary UMC