A great interview podcast from Discipleship Ministries with Phil Meadows from Asbury Theological Seminary about the connection between baptism and discipleship. Check it out here.
Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion (Part III)
A few weeks ago we featured parts 1 and 2 of this article, now part 3 is out and has some great practical wisdom for connecting with others who share different views. Check it out here.
Paul's Transformation
Richard Rhor has a helpful post about just how extensive Paul's own transformation was. You can find the post here.
Facing Fear with Faith
Great podcast on fear and faith with Adam Hamilton from the UMC website.
Get an audio version here or YouTube version below:
Why Good People Are Divided By Politics And Religion
Quote from Jonathan Haidt's book "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics And Religion."
Scott Hughes over at the Discipleship Ministries Blog has a good (and fairly short) summary of Jonathan Haidt's book "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics And Religion." His first two parts are below with more to follow later. This is a good read for anyone interested in understanding current fractures in culture, society, politics, and the church.
About the Poster
Isaac Gaff is the Managing Director of Worship and Creative Arts at Calvary UMC