Randy and Debbie talk more about the background of shepherds in the ancient world.
Deeper Dive Podcast (How Are We Entering Life)
Randy and Debbie talk more about Psalm 24.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Why Bother the Teacher Anymore)
Michael and Isaac talk more about how the stories from Sunday's text of the woman with bleeding and the raising of Jarius' daughter fit together.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Mustard Seed Gardening and the Kingdom of God)
Randy and Debbie talk about faith like a mustard seed.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Lord I Have Sinned)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk more about what sin is.
Deeper Dive Podcast (God Knowing is a Good Thing)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about Psalm 139 in more detail.
Deeper Dive Podcast (What If…)
Lloyd and Isaac talk about the shadow side of 2000 years of Christian history and how we might avoid some of the pitfalls of the past as we look to the future.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Deja Vu)
Lori and Isaac talk about the nature and role of the Holy Spirit in the life of people.
Randy and Isaac talk about Saul's background and about some of the distinctions between the Pharisees and the Sadducees in the context of Acts and the early church.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Transforming the World - Week 4)
Randy and Debbie talk about John 15 in more detail.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Transforming the World - Week 3)
Randy and Isaac talk about Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch and what it means to accept those on the margins into the church.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Transforming the World - Week 2)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about some of the background of Acts 4:5-13 along with what it means to be transformational in the world around us.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Transforming the World - Week 1)
Debbie, Randy, and Isaac talk about temple gate layout and it's importance to the Acts 3; along with more examples of how Christianity has influenced our world for the better.
Link to temple illustration: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/nwt/appendix-b/temple-mount-first-century/
Deeper Dive Podcast (40 Days of Prayer - Week 7)
Randy and Debbie follow up on the concept of God answering "no" in prayer and on Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Deeper Dive Podcast (Easter Sunday)
Randy and Debbie talk about some aspects of the crucifixion and miscellaneous Easter info.
Deeper Dive Podcast (40 Days of Prayer - Week 6)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about the work of connecting an Old Testament setting of a nation state and repentance to a 21st century modern setting.
Deeper Dive Podcast (40 Days of Prayer - Week 5)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk about different approaches to prayer throughout the day.
- Book of Common Prayer App (iOS version, Android version)
- Daily Office of Prayer (Universalis) - Web, iOS, Android, Desktop Versions
Deeper Dive Podcast (40 Days of Prayer - Week 4)
Randy and Debbie continue the conversation on prayer.
Deeper Dive Podcast (40 Days of Prayer - Week 3)
Randy and Debbie talk about what it means to hear the voice of God.
Deeper Dive Podcast (40 Days of Prayer - Week 2)
Randy, Debbie, and Isaac talk more about prayer and what it means to be miraculous.