Mom's Book Study

Description Join fellow moms as we gather every other Monday night to discuss a Christian parenting book and share in the joys and struggles of motherhood.

Dates and Time September 17th, October 1, October 15, October 29, November 12 and November 26 from 6-8pm

Childcare Provided Yes

Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting Roughly one hour of reading over the course of 2 weeks

Leader Leslie Gully is mom to two girls, and firmly believes it takes a village to raise a child. She is involved in the adult choir, KidVenture Choir, and Mom2Mom. In addition to being active in the life of Calvary, she loves to cook, bake and spend time with friends.

A Word from the Leader “Motherhood is a ministry like no other. While raising the children God has given us, connecting to and supporting other moms is vital to growing our own faith and the faith of our children.”

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