Fall 2018 Program Guide
Description Disciple Bible Study is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). It is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing your Christian faith. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. The Traditional Track is comprised of four, year-long courses beginning with Disciple 1 - “Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (the starting point)”, Disciple 2 - “Inside the Word, Into the World”; Disciple 3 - “Remember Who You Are”; and Disciple 4 - “Under the Tree of Life.” This is a 34 week commitment (17 in the fall and 17 in the spring).
Dates and Time Mondays (Sept - April) from 6:00-8:30pm
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There is study, reflection, and some preparation for the class.
Leader All of our leaders have taken Disciple Bible Study and many have taught classes for several years.
A Word from the Leader “The study of God's word helps strengthen, shape, mold, and fill the lives of Christians. This Bible study was created to equip God's children for their spiritual growth and for service in God's Kingdom.”
Sign up here
Description Disciple Bible Study is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). It is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing your Christian faith. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. In Disciple Fast Track, the fall session will study Genesis and Exodus.
Dates and Time Sundays (Sept - April) from 10:15-11:30am
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There is study, reflection, and some preparation for the class.
Leader All of our leaders have taken Disciple Bible Study and many have taught classes for several years.
A Word from the Leader “The study of God's word helps strengthen, shape, mold, and fill the lives of Christians. This Bible study was created to equip God's children for their spiritual growth and for service in God's Kingdom.”
Sign up here
Description Disciple Bible Study is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). It is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing your Christian faith. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. The Traditional Track is comprised of four, year-long courses beginning with Disciple 1 - “Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (the starting point)”, Disciple 2 - “Inside the Word, Into the World”; Disciple 3 - “Remember Who You Are”; and Disciple 4 - “Under the Tree of Life.” This is a 34 week commitment (17 in the fall and 17 in the spring).
Dates and Time Mondays (Sept - April) from 6:00-8:00pm
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There is study, reflection, and some preparation for the class.
Leader All of our leaders have taken Disciple Bible Study and many have taught classes for several years.
A Word from the Leader “The study of God's word helps strengthen, shape, mold, and fill the lives of Christians. This Bible study was created to equip God's children for their spiritual growth and for service in God's Kingdom.”
Sign up here
Description Disciple Bible Study is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). It is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing your Christian faith. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. In Disciple Fast Track, the fall session will study the New Testament.
Dates and Time Mondays (Sept - April) from 6:00-8:30pm
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There is study, reflection, and some preparation for the class.
Leader All of our leaders have taken Disciple Bible Study and many have taught classes for several years.
A Word from the Leader “The study of God's word helps strengthen, shape, mold, and fill the lives of Christians. This Bible study was created to equip God's children for their spiritual growth and for service in God's Kingdom.”
Sign up here
Description Equipping parents to respond to youth's tough questions. This 6 week study is for any parents of CSM students.
Dates and Time Wednesdays (Sept 12 through Oct 24) from 6:00-7:00pm
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting none
Leader Pastor Michael Pitzer has been serving as a youth director for Calvary for the past 17 years. During this time he has worked with 6-12th grades and young adults.
A Word from the Leader “The hope for this class is that parents will be more equipped and more confident to address tough questions about life and faith with their youth.”
Sign up here
Description Do you worry about your debt? Do you have a plan for retirement? Do you want to know what God’s plan is for your money? Do you know what the most fun thing to do with money is? Financial Peace University can answer all those questions and more! FPU is about getting out of debt, planning for your future and your legacy, and learning how God wants us to handle our finances.
Dates and Time Two options:
Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00pm (Sept 12-Dec 5)
Sundays from 9:00-10:00am (Sept 9-Dec 2)
PREVIEWS held 8/19 and 8/28 at 9am
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting Wednesday class about 1 hour a week, Sunday class about 2 hours a week.
Leaders Members of Calvary since 2005, Adam and Nicole Shake took Financial Peace University in early 2014 after the death of Nicole's father. After paying off nearly all their debt in just under 2 years, the Shake's felt called to share Dave Ramsey's life and legacy changing message with as many people as possible. Adam and Nicole live in Mackinaw with their 3 children, Bryan, Bobby, and Britney.
A Word from the Leaders “Financial Peace University will teach you how to use the money God has entrusted to your care in His ways. Dave's lessons are a biblical approach to money management, borrowing, saving, investing, and giving. Attendees will leave with a stronger understanding of the Bible's teachings about money.”
Sign up Wednesdays OR Sundays
Description Women's Bible study, "1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ" by Jen Wilkin. This study helps readers discover what it means to experience the Living Hope they have in Christ.
Dates and Time Two options:
Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm (Sept 25 - Nov 20)
Thursdays from 9:00-11:00am (Sept 20 - Nov 15)
Childcare Provided Available upon request
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting About 30 minutes of work per day.
Leader Carolyn Brown has been leading the Beth Moore class for the last 14 years.
Description Join fellow moms as we gather every other Monday night to discuss a Christian parenting book and share in the joys and struggles of motherhood.
Dates and Time September 17th, October 1, October 15, October 29, November 12 and November 26 from 6-8pm
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting Roughly one hour of reading over the course of 2 weeks
Leader Leslie Gully is mom to two girls, and firmly believes it takes a village to raise a child. She is involved in the adult choir, KidVenture Choir, and Mom2Mom. In addition to being active in the life of Calvary, she loves to cook, bake and spend time with friends.
A Word from the Leader “Motherhood is a ministry like no other. While raising the children God has given us, connecting to and supporting other moms is vital to growing our own faith and the faith of our children.”
Sign up here
Description This men's group meets on Tuesday evenings to study together, pray together, and be a place of encouragement in our walks of faith. We welcome everyone to come and experience God's grace in this setting.
Dates and Time Tuesdays (beginning Sept 4) from 6:30-8:00pm
Childcare Provided No
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There could be some reading relative to a book study - it’s suggested but not mandatory
The first study this fall will be led by Jim Brown and will be an Adam Hamilton video Bible study. This video based program also allows for prayer time and fellowship. Dennis Wentworth will also be leading later studies. We look forward to men of the community joining us. Questions, call Dennis at 309-825-4585.
Sign up here
Description Men's F&F gathers to pray, do some learning, growing, sharing, and to encourage one another in the middle of the week. Coffee, juice, donuts, bagels, etc. are available. We welcome and often have new guys come and share in the experience.
Dates and Time Wednesdays (beginning Sept 12) from 6:30-7:30am (Room 111)
Childcare Provided No
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting Typically no outside study commitment
Leader Pastor Randy Reese is one of the co-directing pastors of Calvary UMC. His 48 years in ministry bring a background to the learning, fellowship, and experience of the group.
A Word from the Leader “We gather in the middle of the week to encourage one another in our walks of faith. Through our study and reflection, we're praying to sharpen, strengthen, and walk with each other through and in life.”
No sign up needed.
Description We will study the presence of the Holy Spirit in relation to the children of God from Genesis to Revelation.
Dates and Time Wednesdays (Sept 5 - Nov 14, does not meet Oct 31) from 9:30-10:30am
Childcare Provided No
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting There will be brief readings from Scripture.
Leader Grethe Armstrong was a teacher and administrator in Unit 5 for 34 years. Since retirement, she’s volunteered at the McLean County Child Protection Network and here at Calvary in Adult Ministry and the Calvary library. Both she and her husband Don are proud parents of Grant and Britta and grandparents of four wonderful youngsters. She loves to paint (not houses) and watch baseball and ice hockey.
A Word from the Leader “Our weekly discussions provide ample opportunity to share our own faith journeys and explore the Biblical foundations of our faith while enhancing the bonds of fellowship and friendship.”
Sign up here
Description This is an ongoing class that meets on Sunday mornings. Subject matter varies. It's a lecture based class as opposed to a discussion class.
Dates and Time Sunday mornings from 9-10am (Room 111)
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting None
Leader Jim Pitzer is involved in the Great Banquet experience as well as having taught class here for many years.
No sign-up needed
Description An informal group that enjoys thoughtful and animated discussions based on various resource materials. Next video series features John Dominic Crossan discussing "The Challenge of Paul.” We are an accepting group where all questions are welcomed and discussed.
Dates and Time Sunday mornings from 9-10am (Conference Room)
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting None
Leader We have no teacher per se. Larry and Carroll Bross are the hosts. We generally view videos featuring various experts and faith leaders. Discussion ensues.
No sign-up needed.
Fellowship Groups
Description A 2-hour seminar that provides a guide with practical tips, words of encouragement, charts and exercises to help you face and survive the unique stresses of the holiday season after the death of a loved one.
Dates and Time Nov 13 from 6:00-8:00pm.
Childcare Provided Yes
Leader Sharyl Jennings works as the Calvary Church receptionist/volunteer coordinator and has her own Grief Recovery business and is a Certified Life Coach.
Sign up here
Description Fun & Fellowship is designed to be of interest to members/guests of Calvary who are age 50+. We gather for a meal and wide-ranging programs that are of interest to people in this age range.
Dates and Time Sunday from 4:30 to 6:30pm on September 9, October 14 and November 11.
Childcare Provided No
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting None
Leader Charlotte Talkington
A Word from the Leaders “Fun & Fellowship is designed to give attendees the opportunity to meet other church members/guests in an informal setting. Relationships that form promote Christian fellowship and support within the group.”
Sign up for each monthly meeting as you are able. Watch the Calvary News or stop by a Kiosk on Sunday several weeks ahead for information on each meeting.
Description Weekly support group for individuals who have experienced a death or deaths in their lives.
Dates and Time Tuesday evening from 6:00-8:00pm (begins Sept 11)
Childcare Provided No
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting Spiritual Journal, 1 hour per week
Leader Sharyl Jennings works as the Calvary Church receptionist/volunteer coordinator and has her own Grief Recovery business and is a Certified Life Coach.
A Word from the Leader “We offer hope, encouragement and spiritual truths, through an accredited program that is offered nation wide, to people who have experienced death in their lives. The weekly DVD, class discussions and group support all are based on scripture and Christ-centered teaching.”
Sign up here
Description The group is sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assoc. Illinois Chapter and welcomes those who are caregivers, family members, and friends of someone with dementia. It offers education and support in hopes of making the journey a bit easier.
Dates and Time 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30pm (Sept 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, and Dec 11)
Childcare Provided No
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting None
Leaders Lurinda Venezia and Mary Sanko both had mothers with dementia. Mary was a long-distance caregiver, and Lurinda was the primary caregiver for her mother.
A Word from the Leaders “Our mission is to educate and support those who are caring for someone with dementia.”
Sign up here
Description Calvary's widows gather for dinner, fellowship and support at Denny's Restaurant in Bloomington.
Dates and Time Varies, watch Calvary News for information on upcoming days/times
Childcare Provided No
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting None
Leaders Carla Smith & Mary Sanko have both been widowed in the past six years.
A Word from the Leaders “The group is primarily a social group, but we do share joys and concerns and pray for each other as we journey through this "new season.”
Description Mom2Mom is a ministry that strives to build a community of mothers united in the mission of raising the children God has entrusted to our care. We meet to connect with each other, learn from guest speakers, and occasionally serve the community with our kids.
Dates and Time Fridays 9:00-11:00am (begins Sept 1)
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting None
Leader Leslie Gully is mom to two girls, and firmly believes it takes a village to raise a child. She is involved in the adult choir, KidVenture Choir, and leading the Mom's Book Study. In addition to being active in the life of Calvary, she loves to cook, bake and spend time with friends.
A Word from the Leader “Mom2Mom works to be a safe place to experience the joys and struggles of raising kids. We encourage moms to pray with and for each other, and share ideas for growing our own faith and the faith of our children.”
Sign up here
Creative Arts
Age Group Kindergarten – 5th Grade
Date and Time Wednesdays, 6:00-6:30 pm (begins Sept 12)
KidVenture Choir is open to any child who is currently in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade, no matter their musical background or experience. This music ministry offers kids an opportunity to sing together and prepare to share their music in worship and at other church events throughout the year. This is a great opportunity for your child to grow in their appreciation of and participation in the musical arts while connecting with Christ. Students are welcome to join choir at any point during the school year.
No sign-up needed.
Description Our 10:30 Band is made up of various kinds of instrumentalists and vocalists who play in a contemporary music environment.
Dates and Time Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7:00-8:00pm
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting Rehearsal preparation (usually 60-90 mins)
Leader Isaac Gaff is the Managing Director of Worship and Creative Arts at Calvary.
A Word from the Leader “The 10:30 band shapes our 10:30 worship service musically. They’re a fun and talented bunch to work with.”
Musical interview required. Please email Isaac at isaac.gaff@connectwithcalvary.org to set one up.
Description Regular rehearsals begin Wednesday, Aug 22 at 6:30pm in the Worship Arts Room G108 (enter through the double doors by the children's play area by the gym). Anyone who wants to make a joyful noise is welcome at any time during the season! We sing at most 9:00 worship services during the fall and spring.
Dates and Time Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm
Childcare Provided Yes
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting None
Leader Isaac Gaff is the Managing Director of Worship and Creative Arts at Calvary.
A Word from the Leader “The choir is a wonderful group of people who make music together; but we also pray, care for, and fellowship with each other on a regular basis. No matter what your musical experience, there’s a place for you in the choir.”
No sign-up needed.
Sports Groups
Description We open with prayer and greet one another while shooting baskets and stretching (warming up). We then shoot free throws to divide up into equal teams. We play from 7pm - 9pm on Tuesday evenings. We come together in prayer to close out the evening. We ask if there is anything anyone would like us to pray about. We share joys and concerns and bring them to God in prayer.
Dates and Time Tuesdays from 7-9pm
Childcare Provided No
Time Commitments Outside of the Meeting None, other than to show love to others through our daily actions and words.
Leaders Nathan Schumacher is married and a father of three children. Dan Frantz is married and a father of two kids. Travis Barke is married and a father of two kids as well. All three are members of Calvary and enjoy fellowship and sports.
A Word from the Leaders “My hope is that those who join us will feel God's love through the fellowship and prayer we share with one another. I also hope those who join us will be able to bring this love to others they come in contact with in their daily lives.”
No sign-up needed.
Small Groups
Using the 3 foundations of Bible Study, prayer, and fellowship, each small group has its own flavor. Meeting weekly or twice a month, an investment in small group membership yields relationships which are more than superficial, the development of faith tailored to the needs and growth opportunities for the people in that specific group, a supportive community which knows our joys and struggles, and much more.
Small Groups meet on various days at various times. Groups that meet in the church building may request childcare.
Throughout August, you are encouraged to fill out the small group interest form (at link.connectwithcalvary.org/smallgroups) so that we know how to get you plugged in. Once those are completed, small group facilitators will meet to suggest groupings to meet the needs listed on the interest forms. A Kickoff Event will be held Sunday, August 19 from 6:00-7:30p.m. in the gym. If you’d already filled out a form, you will have been notified of the suggested group for you. This Kickoff will allow you to meet the folks in your group and arrange logistics ... and in cases of ‘mismatches,’ realign groups according to schedules and needs. If you have any questions, contact Debbie Reese. New groups will begin in October.
A word from Pastor Debbie Reese about Small Groups:
“I want folks to have the strong support, encouragement, and opportunity to grow through small groups...not because ‘it’s the right thing to do,’ but because they’ll find the power that comes through Christian Community. Just as sometimes we try a hairdresser or barber that doesn’t quite work for us, occasionally, our first small group experience isn’t a good fit. That’s OK...we’ll work with you to find the group that will develop into a family with you.”
Sign up here
Young Adult Ministry
The mission statement of this new ministry at Calvary is: "To help young adults connect with God, one another, and our world. As a means to grow in Christ, we will help young adults partner with one another as well as the congregation and to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." This ministry will include small groups, serving opportunities, fellowship events, and more. This is open to people who consider themselves ‘young'…specifically, anyone post high school to mid-thirties…or older if you'd like!
The initial celebration and introduction will be January 14 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the gym. Children are welcome to attend and there will also be childcare provided. We will have dinner for everyone, followed by some opportunities to get to know others or get reacquainted as we help folks form small groups of those in attendance as well as others who might be interested. Other items for the night will be the development of serving plans based upon the input of those attending. In order to have enough food, please RSVP by going here.
The launch team consists of people who showed initial interest and happen to include 2 single college Freshmen, a married student, a professional man, a single mom, and a couple with children. Together, they represent a variety of viewpoints, yet a focused desire to build a strong ministry with young adults of all stages.
Children's Programs
Age Group 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Grades
Date and Time Sundays, 9:00am and 10:30am
TruStory is designed to reveal The Big God Story of God's redemptive plan for older elementary-age kids. Children will engage in anticipate time, worship, worship response time, and small group connection time. Parents are invited to join us at pick-up time for a special blessing.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group Preschool 4, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Date and Time Sundays, 9:00am and 10:30am
TruWonder reveals the wonder of who God is to children. Children will engage in explore stations, time to discover God's Word, worship, worship response time, and small group connection time. Parents are invited to join us at pick-up time for a special blessing.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group Preschool 3
Date and Time Sundays, 9:00am and 10:30am
TruBlessings offers young children the ability to worship God and be blessed by Him. No child is too young to experience God!
No sign-up needed.
Age Group Infants & Toddlers
Date and Time Sundays, All Three Worship Services
KidVenture Nurseries provide a safe, loving place for your child to be cared for. Nursery care is provided during each worship service.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades
Date and Time Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm (begins Sept 12)
Wednesday Story will supplement Sunday morning programs to help students engage more fully in The Big God Story.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group Preschool 4, Kindergarten, & 1st Grade
Date and Time Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm (begins Sept 12)
Wednesday Wonder will supplement the Sunday program but dig-in deeper (and often messier!) to help students engage more fully in The Big God Story.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group Kindergarten – 5th Grade
Date and Time Wednesdays, 6:00-6:30 pm (begins Sept 12)
KidVenture Choir is open to any child who is currently in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade, no matter their musical background or experience. This music ministry offers kids an opportunity to sing together and prepare to share their music in worship and at other church events throughout the year. This is a great opportunity for your child to grow in their appreciation of and participation in the musical arts while connecting with Christ. Students are welcome to join choir at any point during the school year.
No sign-up needed.
Junior High Programs
Age Group 8th Grade
Date and Time Sundays, 9:00am in L7
All eighth grade students and confirmation students are invited to join us as we walk through what it means to be a christian.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group 6th-7th Grades
Date and Time Sundays, 9:00am in G003
Students come each week ready to go in depth in their understanding of the Word. It's a great time of learning and fellowship.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group 6th-8th Grades
Date and Time Wednesdays, 5:45-7:30pm in the Gym
All 6th through 8th grade students are invited to join us for games, snacks, fellowship and an exciting message ending with break-out groups. Join us, we would love to have you!
No sign-up needed.
High School Programs
Age Group High School
Date and Time Sundays, 9:00 am (G005)
Each Sunday senior high students gather for an hour of exploring scripture and relevant life issues.
No sign-up needed.
Date and Time Wednesdays, 7:30 pm (chapel)
Beloved is our ministry for our upperclassmen (Junior and Senior) girls to gather. We spend time in prayer, discuss a weekly biblical lesson and share what's going on in our lives. Beloved is a place for Junior and Senior girls from all backgrounds to come together as sisters-in-Christ for spiritual growth, support and friendship.
No sign-up needed.
Date and Time Wednesdays, 7:30 pm (G003)
Our ministry for 9th & 10th grade girls is called Girls of Grace. Each week, we gather in the Parlor to share about our lives, dive into what the Bible says about God's will for us and cover topics such as dating, family relationships and school. All girls currently in 9th and 10th grade are invited to attend.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group High School Guys
Date and Time Wednesdays, 7:30 pm (G005)
Wild at Heart is our Senior High guys ministry. We meet weekly to discuss life, the Bible and our relationship with God. Topics range from pressures at school to pop culture, family relationships and work issues. All Senior High guys are invited to attend.
No sign-up needed.
Age Group High School
Date and Time Wednesdays, 7:00 pm (The Hub)
Before Wednesday night small groups start, our Senior High students gather for hangout time in The Hub. We encourage you to bring homework, food, games, or just relax and socialize. See you there!
No sign-up needed.
First Wednesdays
First Wednesdays are designed to support intergenerational ministry - that is ministry to people of every and all generations by people of every and all generations. Children, Youth, Young Adults, Adults, and Grandpas and Grandmas learn from each other in a variety of ways how to serve the Lord and to share their faith.
Time 6:00-7:00pm (Gym)
September 5 - All Church Picnic and Potluck
October 3 - Matthew 25 Challenge Event
November 7 - Food packaging with Illini Fighting Hunger
December 5 - Christmas Party