Leader Updates - September 9, 2018

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Randy Reese

What happens next? That question is on a lot of people’s minds as the church digests the announcement of Pastor Deb’s retirement effective September 30th. 

The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), our Lay Leader Joe Landon, the Managing Directors Team (Pastor Randy, Pastor Debbie (until 9/30), Isaac Gaff, Lori Short, Ray Slaubaugh), and our District Superintendent, Rev. Jim Barnett are in prayer, discussion, and discernment about what the next step is for Calvary. As I said last Sunday, the most important step is to pray - to wait upon the Lord - and then to pray some more. The compelling question is what is the best for God’s Kingdom church called Calvary. How do we care for the ministries over which Pastor Deb has primary responsible - like The Outreach Team, small groups, young adults group, and her counseling time. In addition, she and Pastor Randy partner on preaching, weddings, funerals, baptisms, new member process, worship planning, and the list goes on. The big picture view as well as the nuts, bolts, and details view are all on the table.

Please be assured that Deb is making sure that the ministries for which she is responsible are covered in this interim.

I’m encouraging you to be a part of the process of discernment by praying as well using, if you wish, the following framework:

1)Thank God that He is God and has His hand firmly on Calvary
2)Ask God to give His wisdom to those involved in the
Discernment process - the SPRC, Pastor Randy, Rev. Jim
Barnett, the Directing Team
3)Surrender to God’s will - pray against Satan causing confusion and chaos through this time of change in Jesus mighty name.

Your faithfulness in prayer is the most important piece as we work through this new season in ministry.

Blessings and peace,
Pastor Randy