Leader Update - March 24, 2019

Leader Update 2019-03-24 (2).jpg

Every other month, the Church Council gets the opportunity to meet. I truly believe this to be an “opportunity” and not an “obligation.” These meetings are a chance to check in on the health of the church from a variety of viewpoints. We take the time to review reports from the staff, which gives us an opportunity to be informed about what is going on before us and behind the scenes that makes Calvary such a wonderful place, and we get to hear about the work that our church committees are doing from the chairs of those committees.

I am consistently overwhelmed by the amount of time and energy that our members are pouring into our church to make us a better vessel to serve God and the world. It is always interesting to me to see how the various “threads” that these committees and staff are responsible for intertwine to make the “fabric” that we know as Calvary. I want to personally thank those that serve on these committees and as staff for all of their hard work.

During our March meeting, our discussions included looking at the church ministry programs, the overall financial picture, confirming appointments to committees and building and maintenance needs for now and for our future. We discuss many things that when we come to Calvary it would be easy to take for granted.

This month, we also discussed a proposal from the YMCA regarding Calvary being a host site for an after-school program for two of the elementary schools in town.  While the final details are still being worked out, the Council felt this was a wonderful opportunity for us to partner with the community in way that showcases our facility.  Our hope is that this will lead to a greater interest in our ministry as well.

We also continued the conversation regarding the recent decisions made by the Special Session of the United Methodist Church General Conference. I know that there are a wide range of questions, beliefs and emotions surrounding the issues that still remain unresolved. As Pastor Randy has mentioned in previous updates, we are waiting to see what happens when the Judicial Council meets to review the actions taken at the Special Session. That meeting is scheduled for April 24-25.

The Calvary Church Council knows that those decisions will only be the next step in this conversation. We ask that you keep us, both the Council and Calvary as a whole, in your prayers as we continue this journey together. I know that God will guide us as we navigate through those questions and emotions.