KidVenture Large Group Leader

Usual Day/Time of Serving:
9:00am or 10:30am Sunday or 6-7pm Wed

Serving Location:
In the building, Wonder Room, Story Room

How Often:
Can vary, weekly, 2-times per month, seasonally. Most people serve 2 or more times per month

Large Group Leader acts as the room host, engages the students in and reinforces the teaching points from the day’s lesson, and facilitates the worship experiences, including pre-recorded music and worship response. Musical ability is not a requirement. Requires Child Protection Training, including a criminal background check.

Attributes that work well with this serving opportunity:
A passion for kids, a passion for a variety of worship styles, ability to engage a large group of kids, a welcoming heart, ability to follow a lesson plan, ability to adapt to the needs of students


The “I’m Interested” link takes you to a short form. Once you fill out the form, a ministry leader will contact you with info on how to get involved in this area of serving.