Leader Updates - October 21, 2018

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Rev. Ray Owens - Pastor of Visitation

As Calvary United Methodist Church’s Pastor of Visitation, I am privileged to be with members and friends of our church family and their loved ones at very important moments in their lives. Praying prior to surgical procedures, hospital visits following surgeries, visits with those who are suffering from illnesses, home visits following discharges, and phone calls prior to and following medical events are all ways in which I am able to offer God’s comfort and encouragement at these important times.

Each weekday, Angie Bicknell, our church office coordinator, calls our two local hospitals inquiring as to whether any of our church family are patients. She then contacts me via basecamp letting me know of such admissions.

With current HIPPA laws protecting patient privacy, it is up to each person to indicate that Calvary UMC is their church home. In addition, members can contact the church office letting us know of an approaching admission. You can also call or text me at 309-242-0362 or e-mail me at ray.owens@connectwithcalvary.org to let me know of a pending admission.

In addition to these hospital calls, I visit our members who are homebound or residents in nursing care facilities. I am also privileged to provide vesper services at Westminster Village, officiate the Celebration of Life of church and community members and officiate their weddings. The Call to pastoral ministry does not end with one’s retirement. I am most grateful for the opportunities that our Calvary UMC family provides me in continuing to fulfill this Call.