Please keep these Calvary Leaders in prayer as they serve this congregation and Christ's church all over the world through ministry at Calvary.
Church Council
Chair: Jon Butler (2020)
Secretary: Barb Bills (2018)
Lay Leader: Joe Landon (2020)
Mark O'Flaherty (Finance)
Amy Davis (outreach)
Jill Jones, Jon Butler, Alice Staley (Lay Members to Annual Conference)
Matt Swingler (Stewardship)
David Bollivar (Trustees Chairperson)
Dale Herring (SPRC)
Diana Brown (Lay Leadership Vice Chairperson)
Alice Staley (UMW)
**Rev. Randy Reese (Pastor)
**Dr. Isaac Gaff, **Lori Short, **Ray Slaubaugh (Staff Managing Directors)
Lay Members of Annual Conference
(2020) Jon Butler
(2020) Alice Staley
(2020) Ralph Smith
Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development
Chair of Nominations and Leadership Development: Rev. Randy Reese
Lay Leader: Joe Landon
Vice Chair: Diana Brown
(2019) Diana Brown, Ellie Dew, Tracy Vincent
(2020) Joe Perring, Tina Carby, Ralph Smith
(2021) Lindsay Mitchell, Beth Wall, Sarah Craft
Staff Parish Relations Committee
Chair: Dale Herring
(2019) Matt Harr, Amy Moser
(2020) Grethe Armstrong, Dale Herring, Judie Bennett
(2021) Elizabeth Simpson, Kaye Schroeder
Finance Committee
Chair: Mark O'Flaherty
(2019) Mark O’Flaherty, Jim Brown
(2020) Cathe Carter, John Croft
(2021) Stephanie Mattson, Suzann Reid
*Randy Reese (Pastor)
*Ray Slaubaugh (Director of Operations)
*Jon Butler (Chairperson of Church Council)
*Sandy Theile (Accountant)
*Kevin Hoss (Treasurer)
*Dale Herring (or other representative of SPRC)
*Joe Landon (Lay Leader)
Chairperson of Trustees
* Matt Swingler (Chairperson of Stewardship)
*Member of Finance by Virtue of Office
Strategic Leadership Team
(2019) Dawn Sanner, Joe Landon
(2020) Heather Plattner
(2021) Stacey Tetzloff
Stewardship Committee
Chair: Matt Swingler
(2019) Jim Brown, Diana Brown
(2020) Matt Swingler
(2021) Steve Seibring, Nancy Behrens
Board of Trustees
Chair: Ted Coussens
(2019) Gary Dickson
(2020) Larry Phillips, Susan Hoss, Rebecca Craig, Sandy Whiteley
(2021) Larry Oleson, Greg Webb, Jan Murray
Memorial Committee
Chairs: Libby Burns
(2019) Libby Burns, Betty Dorsey
(2020) Jean Wetter
United Methodist Women
President: Alice Staley
Chair: Amy Davis
(2019) Rob Wall
(2020) Ron Kennedy, Peggy Kennedy, Jim Jones, Trevor Perring(2021) Andrew Short, Mindy Goodman, Leann Fujimoto
Preschool Board
Chair: Angie Bicknell
Treasurer: Marcy Dienslake
(2019) Sandy Dickson, Angie Bicknell
(2020) Brooke Frantz, Melanie Moody, Megan Lieb, Penny Brown
(2021) Sue Rutkowski, Carrie Green