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It is very different to have a Holy Week where we don’t have an opportunity to meet together. But we have designed intentional experiences for all of our KidVenture kids and families for this special week! Below we have shared an experience to go along with the Palm Sunday message from morning worship. We have also provided an experience focusing on The Last Supper to go along with Maundy Thursday. We hope these experiences bless all our families during this Holy Week
Lesson: Jesus Is King (Palm Sunday & The Last Supper)
Week of: April 5
Palm Sunday — Matthew 21:1–11
The Last Supper — John 13:1–17; Matthew 26:26–30
ACTIVITY: Sidewalk Chalk Challenge
This week, we’ll celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Show that you welcome Jesus in your home and neighborhood by drawing palm branches on your sidewalk, driveway, and/or porch. Feel free to add a drawing of Jesus on a donkey and the word Hosanna or anything else you want to draw to show that you welcome Jesus as your King! Post or send us pictures of your drawings--with you in them if you want! We miss your faces!
Link to Calvary’s KidVenture Parent Group (FB)
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Watch the Video:
Crossroads Kid’s Club video: God’s Story: Palm Sunday
Bible Activity:
Read Matthew 21:1–11
Look up in different bibles to see if the verse reads differently
Apps for Bible Reading:
Today in The Big God Story we heard how the people of Israel had been waiting for many years for the promised Savior to come. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the people celebrated by shouting praises to God and waving palm branches. Jesus is the Messiah.
How did God’s people feel waiting so long for the Messiah?
What would I have shouted to Jesus to praise Him as He rode by?
How did the people feel when they realized Jesus was the One they’d been waiting for?
How does it make me feel to know the Messiah is Jesus?
Why does Jesus want to be my King?
How can I worship Jesus as my King?
Jesus is our one true King! Spend time praising and worshiping God together. Here are some songs we love to sing along to and also simply have on in the background anytime.
Song: Hosanna Rock
Song: You Are My King (Amazing Love)
Proverbs 3:5–6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight.
Memorization Options: Younger kids focus on the first sentence. Older kids are encouraged to memorize the whole verse.
Work together to create actions to help remember the verse. Share a video on Facebook or email them to KidVenture.
Perform the Remember Verse in different voices or while jumping, running in place, dancing, etc. Your younger kids in Preschool 4, Kindergarten and 1st grade are used to doing this each Sunday and Wednesday. Ask your kids how they want to say the verse. They have some fantastic ideas!
Activity: Act It Out Sunday
We heard great news today from The Big God Story—Jesus is King! Sometimes the best way to respond to good news is with our whole bodies. I'm going to say a part from The Big God Story, and then we can use our bodies to show it. Let’s get started:
Jesus and His followers were traveling to Jerusalem. Everyone, march in place.
Jesus sent His followers to look for a donkey. Let’s pretend like we’re looking for something.
The disciples brought the donkey to Jesus and put coats on its back. Act like we’re putting coats on a pretend donkey.
When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey's back, the people placed their coats on the ground in front of the donkey. Let’s take off our pretend coats and place them on the ground.
The people also waved palm branches. Let’s wave pretend palm branches.
And the people shouted "Hosanna!" Let’s shout "Hosanna" several times.
I'm so glad that Jesus is King! Let’s all show our happiness by clapping, dancing, &/or jumping up and down.
Repeat the last three actions as desired!
Prayer Time: Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Praying Together
Gather the children and say: Let’s pray together. Share praises and prayers. Using the phrase, “How can I pray for you?” is open-ended and encourages responses.
Go around the group and share joys and concerns. Encourage each person to share. Then, close by praying together. Allow all who want to pray out loud a chance to share. You could have one start then move to another, another, and so on. You are encouraged to take a turn also.
Ask your children to hold out their hands to receive this blessing you speak over them. A blessing implies a future hope, so speak these words with hope for your children!
Name(s), may you know that Jesus loves you and is always with you. May you welcome Him as your one, true King! May you find ways to share His love and The Big God Story with others. Amen.
ACTIVITY: A Place at the Table
In The Big God Story, children will hear about the details of the last meal Jesus ate with His disciples. This meal was to celebrate Passover and was typically shared with family. Help children in their preparations for a special meal.
Example of supplies, but you can create this however you wish
Paper, card stock, or foam sheets
Tape (clear)
Create a placemat to use for your special meal. You can do this however you wish, but we have listed a couple options below:
Weave A Placemat: Begin by cutting one color of paper, card stock, or foam into one-inch-wide strips—leaving an uncut one-inch border around the edge of the paper. (Gently folding the paper, card stock, or foam in half will help you make cuts inside of the border.) All the strips should be connected by this one-inch “binding.” Cut the second color of card stock or foam into one-inch-wide strips. An 8.5x11 placemat would need approximately eight eleven-inch strips. For younger children, cut wider and fewer strips.
The kids can then weave a paper strip in an over and under pattern until it reaches the opposite side of the paper. The next strip is to be woven in an opposing pattern (under then over as opposed to over then under). Continue weaving until the strips fill the cut pattern.
Design A Placemat: Using a full sheet of paper, use crayons, colored pencils, markers, or whatever drawing tools you have around the house to draw a design that reminds you of the Big God Story. Make enough for the entire family!
Crossroads Kid’s Club video: God’s Story: The Last Supper
Read John 13:1–17; Matthew 26:26–30
Jesus knew the Passover Feast would be His last meal with His disciples. He wanted them to know and always remember how much He loved them and that they could put their hope in Him. Jesus also wants us to know that He is our hope. We can always trust Him as we wait for the good things He promised.
What does it feel like to hope for something?
What are some good things God has promised to me?
How can I share the hope of Jesus with others?
Encourage all to pray quietly in their heads in this way. Think about Jesus for a moment and how much He loves you. Is there something you want to tell Him or ask Him? What do you want to always remember about Jesus and His love for you?
Song: Good Good Father
Song: You Are My King (Amazing Love)
ACTIVITY: Share a Meal
The Last Supper was a special time Jesus spent with His disciples. Jesus gave His disciples hope before He died on the cross.
Explain to children that we share meals frequently, but that sharing a meal together is very special. As you enjoy your meal together, use your placemats you made earlier and discuss the following questions:
What foods do you like to eat?
Where do you like to eat them?
Whom do you like to eat with?
Where do you like to eat? Do you ever eat outside?
When you’re eating, do you ever share your food with other people?
Ask your children to hold out their hands to receive this blessing you speak over them. A blessing implies a future hope, so speak these words with hope for your children!
Name(s), may you know that Jesus loves you. May you trust in Him and know that He is our Hope. God is good and He rejoices over you! Share His love with others so they can see God’s love and goodness. Amen.