KidVenture Online
This lesson goes along with the message from April 19, 2020 Sunday worship. Pick some activities and enjoy this time with your kids!
Lesson: Jesus Knows Us and is Always With Us
Week of: April 19
Scripture: John 20:19–29
ACTIVITY: Nicknames
Think about all the things around us. Everything we see, every place we go has a name. Using an item’s name, we know exactly what it is. If I say get a book, you would know what I am talking about. People have names, also. They have their actual names, like John or Karen, but many times we call the people we know by other names that might not be the name that is listed on their birth certificate. You may know someone named Daniel who is sometimes called Danny or Dan. Those names are known as nicknames. We may know some sports figures who go by nicknames like Lebron James is known by his fans as “King James.” There are many other ways we use nicknames. Use the following list to create a conversation about names:
What is a nickname?
Do you know anyone who has a nickname?
What are different names people use when they are talking about the individual members of your family? (example: Mom, Megan, Meg, Aunt Megan, Grandma Jones, Nannie Meg might all be names used by different people for the same family member)
If you have a nickname, what is it?
What are some nicknames you use for your pets or lovies or favorite items?
What is an encouraging, uplifting nickname that you could give to each member of your family?
Watch the Video:
Crossroads Kid’s Club video: The Story of Doubting Thomas
Bible Activity:
Read John 20:19–29
Look up in different bibles to see if the verse reads differently
Apps for Bible Reading:
Bible or Bible App
You are made in the image of God.
Look in a mirror. Really look at yourself. See what God sees. He sees a person whom He loves whom He created for a purpose.
Tell God you are giving yourself to Him to be used for the reasons He created you.
Spend a few minutes praying and talking with Him about what His purpose is for you.
Read Psalm 139:1-4; 13-14 and Zephania 3:17 over your child/yourself while still in front of the mirror.
Remind yourself that God knows you and is always with you.
Today we heard a portion of The Big God Story that showed how much Jesus loves us and knows us. Jesus showed up and knew exactly what Thomas needed to see to believe. Jesus knows you, and He wants to spend time with you.
How did the disciples feel when they saw Jesus?
What would it have been like to have been in the room when Jesus appeared?
How can I get to know Jesus more this week?
How might Jesus want to spend some special time talking to me?
Jesus is always with you! Celebrate with these or any of the other songs!
Song: Everybody Everywhere
Song: John 3:16 (You’ll Have Eternal Life)
For additional songs, see the KidVenture Online Format Week 3 lesson
God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die for us. But, that isn’t the end of the story! Jesus rose from the grave! He beat death! And, God made it all happen to show us that He loves us so much and wants us to be able to be with Him forever and be part of His Big God Story!
Why do we call Jesus the Promised Savior?
What would it be like to see the empty tomb?
How does it make me feel to know Jesus is alive?
How do I know Jesus died for me?
How do I feel about God right now?
Remember Verse:
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Memorization Options: Younger kids focus on the first sentence. Older kids are encouraged to memorize the whole verse.
Work together to create actions to help remember the verse. Share a video on Facebook or email them to KidVenture.
Perform the Remember Verse in different voices or while jumping, running in place, dancing, etc. Your younger kids in Preschool 4, Kindergarten and 1st grade are used to doing this each Sunday and Wednesday. Ask your kids how they want to say the verse. They have some fantastic ideas!
Activity: I Know You!
Butcher paper or sheet of paper
Washable paint
Optional: washable ink stamp pad (large)
On the butcher paper, write the words “Jesus, You know me, and I want to know You.”
Tape butcher paper on the wall or place on a table. Put paint in containers.
Jesus knows us! He knows our names, the plans He has for us, and everything about us. Jesus wants to take us by the hand and lead us in His truth. Today we’re going to have the chance to respond to Him as we create a colorful mural of all our handprints (or fingerprints if you choose!). If you would like to tell Jesus that you want to know Him, you can paint your hand and place your handprint on the paper. Together we’ll make a beautiful mural for Jesus. Help the children paint their hands. When they’re ready, encourage them to stamp their hand wherever they would like on the wall mural. Write their names in marker next to their handprint. They could even make designs using their hands if desired. Have each child wash his hands. As each child makes their handprint(s), read the words on the paper and invite the child to repeat the words after you. Jesus, You know me, and I want to know You.
ACTIVITY: Flat Jesus
Printed copy of Flat Jesus PDF (if you can’t print at home, draw your own picture of Jesus)
Crayons, markers, colored pencils (or other items to color with)
Miss Lori and Miss Mary have a friend named Megan. When Megan was in college, she decided to use every Tuesday for an entire year to intentionally “make room” for Jesus everywhere she went. She called it “Tuesdays With Jesus.” When she got up in the morning, she would make sure to greet Jesus. She made a place for Jesus at the breakfast table (YES! An actual chair was set aside for Jesus). When she went to her classes, she made sure to invite Jesus to walk with her. She made sure to save a seat next to her in her classes for Jesus. If someone asked her if that seat was taken, she told them that Jesus was sitting in it. If she had to drive to the store, she would buckle Jesus in a seatbelt and take Him along. One day, she even forgot it was Tuesday and after she had left her room and started going to class she turned around and went back to her room and apologized to Him. Then, she asked Him to go with her. She learned a lot about Jesus that year and grew closer and closer to Him as the year went on. But mainly she learned to trust that Jesus was always with her and to make sure she was including Jesus in every part of her life.
Color your copy of Flat Jesus and cut him out
Take Flat Jesus with you wherever you go--room to room, outside, wherever. Be intentional about including Him in your activities throughout your day. Take some pictures to remind yourself where you went and what you did. Talk with Jesus whenever you need Him. (Think of Flat Stanley, the book and activity kids do, but just for yourself at home)
What was it like sharing your entire day with Jesus?
I wonder if you could make this a regular activity like Megan did!
Share your Flat Jesus pictures with us!:
Link to Calvary’s KidVenture Parent Group (FB)
If you are not on Facebook, email them to KidVenture
Prayer Time: Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Praying Together
Gather the children and say: Let’s pray together. Share praises and prayers. Using the phrase, “How can I pray for you?” is open-ended and encourages responses.
Go around the group and share joys and concerns. Encourage each person to share. Then, close by praying together. Allow all who want to pray out loud a chance to share. You could have one start then move to another, another, and so on. You are encouraged to take a turn also.
Ask your children to hold out their hands to receive this blessing you speak over them. A blessing implies a future hope, so speak these words with hope for your children!
Name(s), God loves you! May you have a deep understanding that God knows you completely. May you know that God delights in you and is always with you.
May you celebrate God’s great love as you go through your day and may you find ways to share God’s great love and The Big God Story with others. Amen.