KidVenture Online
This lesson goes along with the message from April 26, 2020 Sunday worship. Pick some activities and enjoy this time with your kids!
Lesson: Do you recognize Jesus along the way?
Week of: April 26
Scripture: Luke 24:13–35
Watch the Video:
Read Luke 24:13–35
Look up in different bibles to see if the verse reads differently
Apps for Bible Reading:
YouVersion Bible App for iPhone and Android or
Today we heard a portion of The Big God Story that told us about people who were walking and talking with Jesus but they didn’t recognize Him.
Has there ever been something you didn’t understand right away, and figured out later? What helped you to understand?
How would you feel if you had known about the death of Jesus, and then heard people talking about Him being alive?
What is something special about you that you want other people to know too?
How do you know God is with you right now?
How is God working in your life?
Watch for Jesus! He is always with you! Celebrate with these or any of the other songs!
Song: My God Is So Big
Song: John 3:16 (You’ll Have Eternal Life)
Song: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
For additional songs, see the KidVenture Online Format Week 3 lesson
Remember Verse:
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Memorization Options: Younger kids focus on the first sentence. Older kids are encouraged to memorize the whole verse.
Work together to create actions to help remember the verse. Share a video on Facebook or email them to KidVenture.
Perform the Remember Verse in different voices or while jumping, running in place, dancing, etc. Your younger kids in Preschool 4, Kindergarten and 1st grade are used to doing this each Sunday and Wednesday. Ask your kids how they want to say the verse. They have some fantastic ideas!
Activity: Watch for God Binoculars
SUPPLIES: (or substitute with whatever you have at home)
Yarn or string
Markers, stickers, or other decorating materials
Hole punch
Toilet paper rolls or paper towel tube
Scissors to cut yarn
Optional: paper or construction paper
Tape your toilet paper tubes together, perhaps placing a small piece of paper between the tubes to separate them slightly.
Add colorful decorations, if desired, with writing, stickers, or pictures.
Punch a hole in the sides of the tubes.
String yarn through the holes to make the binoculars wear-able.
Peer through your “binoculars” and keep an eye out for what God is doing
ACTIVITY: God Sightings
If you made binoculars, use them or make your hands into binoculars and look around your room.
Can you spot a picture on your wall?
Can you see someone else in the room with you?
Can you see a bird or bunny or squirrel outside your window?
When people go on vacations, they may use binoculars to spot things along the way that are far away. The binoculars help explorers with their perspective. God loves us so much that He is never far away. He is right here with us always! God sightings help us change our perspective to focus on what God is doing all around us. A God Sighting could be a prayer, a hug from a parent, the sunshine, or a kind word from a friend. These are just a few examples, and there are many many more ways we see God at work in our world.
Take some time to look around you as you go about your day. What are some ways that you can see God working? Share your God Sightings with your family during a special time together, like before or after dinner or before bed.
Share your God Sightings with us!:
Link to Calvary’s KidVenture Parent Group (FB)
If you are not on Facebook, email them to KidVenture
ACTIVITY: Blind Recognition
Blindfolds or bandannas or similar (enough for each child)
As many members of your family you can get to play along!
If it’s a nice day, try to do this activity outside. The openness will allow for room to roam and will aid in the actual activity.
Explain that you will be spread out a little and that the kids will be blindfolded.
Before you get started, practice saying the phrase, “You won’t believe this, but two men were walking and talking with someone they didn’t even recognize.”
Practice saying it in funny or disguised voices to make it more fun and challenging
Spread out and put on blindfolds (an adult or older sibling will need to help with this and act as the leader)
SAY: The Big God Story lesson this week tells the story of when a couple men were walking along the road and a very important someone walked up and started talking with them. The two men didn’t even recognize that that important someone was Jesus! They had their eyes open, but they still didn’t recognize Him. Let’s see what it might have been like for those men on the Road to Emmaus.
One by one, have each person, including blindfolded children say, “You won’t believe this, but two men were walking and talking with someone they didn’t even recognize.”
Feel free to use disguised voices or whispering voices to make it more challenging
After each person says the phrase, allow kids to guess who it is from just hearing the voice.
If they guess correctly, they can remove the blindfold—but hold onto it, because there will be a time when they will be asked to hold it over their eyes again.
SAY: Here’s what the special man said to them: "Do you find it so difficult to believe what was written by the prophets in the Scripture? It was predicted by the prophets that the Messiah would have to suffer all these things before entering His time of glory."
SAY: Based on The Big God Story, who were the men walking and talking with that day? (allow guesses… That’s right! Jesus was talking with them!)
Instruct kids to cover their eyes again—this time, they can just hold the covering over their eyes, it doesn’t have to be fastened.
SAY: God, thank you that Jesus died for our sins. Not only did He die, but He defeated death and rose again. Thank You that Jesus is alive and working in the world today. Open our eyes, (kids take off blindfolds) because we want to see Jesus! In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
PRAYER TIME: Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Praying Together
Gather the children and say: Let’s pray together. Share praises and prayers. Using the phrase, “How can I pray for you?” is open-ended and encourages responses.
Go around the group and share joys and concerns. Encourage each person to share. Then, close by praying together. Allow all who want to pray out loud a chance to share. You could have one start then move to another, another, and so on. You are encouraged to take a turn also.
Ask your children to hold out their hands to receive this blessing you speak over them. A blessing implies a future hope, so speak these words with hope for your children!
Name(s), God loves you! May you be comforted knowing God sees you and is always with you. Trust in Him! Watch for God throughout your day and share His great love with others. Amen.