KidVenture Online
Though we are sad that we aren’t able to meet together for KidVenture this week, we want to provide you with an experience for all of our KidVenture kids and families! This experience is designed to work through at your own pace. Throughout the experience, there are opportunities to share with us how your family time is going. Pick some activities and get started! Enjoy!
Week of: March 15—21
Scripture: EPHESIANS 6:10–17
Use the following questions as a discussion guide:
What are examples of sports equipment that is meant to protect athletes?
Why do athletes need protective gear?
When have you ever needed help from someone that you couldn’t do by yourself?
Watch the Video:
Crossroads Kid’s Club video: God’s Story: Armor of God
Bible Activity:
Read Ephesians 6:10-17
Use a family bible
Look up in different bibles to see if the verse reads differently
Apps for Bible Reading:
YouVersion Bible App for iPhone and Android or
Talk about the different parts of God’s Armor and how they protect you:
What does the Belt of Truth do?
Helps us know God’s truth
When we choose to believe that God loves us and He rescued us it’s like we’re wearing devil repellant.
What does the Breastplate of Righteousness do?
Covers our hearts and protects us from Satan and sin
We can defend the devil by doing what is right.
Why are our feet given Good News Boots?
To tell people near and far who Jesus is and how He saved us.
God covers our feet with what we need in order to “GO” and tell others about Jesus.
What is a Shield of Faith for?
To guard against sin and lies.
God gives us faith to block the devil’s lies.
What is the Sword of the Spirit?
The Bible.
The Word of God.
Why do we need a Helmet of Salvation?
To keep Satan’s lies from making us believe wrong things about God.
The helmet helps us remember that we are part of God’s family and that He loves us. Nothing can separate us from His love.
In this activity, family members are encouraged to “put on the Full Armor of God.” Using items around your home, find items to represent each of the 6 parts of God’s Armor (listed above) and put them on.
Find your items
Have each person dress up using their items representing God’s Armor
Take a family picture wearing your armor
Share your picture with us by posting it in Calvary’s KidVenture Parent Facebook Group
If you are not on Facebook, email them to KidVenture
Song: Full Armor of God
Songs from 2019 ROAR VBS:
I’m Trusting You
Whole Lotta Change
I Will Not Be Afraid
No Matter What I’m Facing
Songs to search (YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Prime Music):
“Our God” by Chris Tomlin
“Good Good Father” by Chris Tomlin
“Lord I Need You” by Matt Maher
Remember Verse: Ephesians 6:10-11
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Memorization Options: Younger kids focus on the first sentence. Older kids are encouraged to memorize the whole verse.
Work together to create actions to help remember the verse. Share a video on Facebook or email them to KidVenture.
Perform the Remember Verse in different voices or while jumping, running in place, dancing, etc. Your younger kids in Preschool 4, Kindergarten and 1st grade are used to doing this each Sunday and Wednesday. Ask your kids how they want to say the verse. They have some fantastic ideas!
Response: How can you use this time while you’re home together to build up your Armor so you and your family can stay strong in God’s mighty power? Maybe you commit to reading from the Bible (The Big God Story) each day or maybe you commit to praying together each day. This will look different for each family and possibly even each person.
Game: Armor of God Freeze Dance: Play some music. When you pause it, each person should freeze into an Armor of God statue holding your shield and sword and yell out, “God Loves Me!”
Blessing: Ask your children to hold out their hands to receive this blessing you speak over them. A blessing implies a future hope, so speak these words with hope for your children!
May you know that God, our heavenly Father, loves you and is always with you. May you always believe that God knows what you need and prepares you to face what’s ahead. May you always go to Him for peace and comfort. Amen.