KidVenture Online
This lesson goes along with the message from May 3, 2020 Sunday worship. Pick some activities and enjoy this time with your kids! We highly recommend the Rest Activity this week!!
Our intent with lessons is not to overwhelm you, but rather to share some intentional activities that encourage all of us on our spiritual journey. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We’re cheering for you!
Lesson: The Lord Really Is Our Shepherd
Week of: May 3
Scripture: Psalm 23; John 10:1–10
ACTIVITY: Gather Your Sheep
(Optional) Marker to draw sheep faces/wool on balloons
Paper towel holder, newspaper rolled up, light saber (whatever you want!)
Blow up some balloons. Draw sheep faces, ears, tails, wooly body on it if desired. Designate something as a gate--doorway to the room, between two chairs, etc. You could also designate a pen or holding area (the hallway, under a table, etc.)
Today we’re going to hear a story about a shepherd caring for and protecting his sheep. In the Big God Story, Jesus is the shepherd and we are his sheep! We’re not animals, but it was a way for Jesus to explain that he cares for us and protects us and is always with us. Let’s play a game where we pretend to be shepherds. We have to get these sheep balloons through the gate. Encourage kids to use their “staff” (paper towel holder, newspaper, light saber, etc) to push the sheep balloons on their way. To make this more difficult, you could turn on a fan!
Share pictures of your family engaging in this activity with us!:
Link to Calvary’s KidVenture Parent Group (FB)
If you are not on Facebook, email them to KidVenture
Watch the Video: The Good Shepherd
Read Psalm 23; John 10:1–10
Look up in different bibles to see if the verse reads differently
Apps for Bible Reading:
YouVersion Bible App for iPhone and Android or
Today we heard a portion of The Big God Story that Jesus shared with people. He talked about sheep and shepherd. Shepherds care for sheep and protect them. Sheep know their shepherds voice similar to how you know your mom or dad or sister or brother’s voice.
Who is our Good Shepherd?
What does it mean that Jesus is our Good Shepherd?
How do we get to know Jesus’ voice?
When we hear Jesus, it’s not always through a voice like a human’s voice, so how do we know if it’s Jesus?
How do we trust Jesus even though there are still bad things in the world?
Do I let myself stop and rest?
How can I take time each day to rest and listen for God’s voice?
Watch for Jesus! He is always with you! Celebrate with these or any of the other songs!
Song: My God Is So Big
Song: Good Good Father
For additional songs, see the KidVenture Online Format Week 3 lesson
Remember Verse:
Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
Explain, God is in control and He gives us everything we need!
Work together to create actions to help remember the verse. Share a video on Facebook or email them to KidVenture.
Perform the Remember Verse in different voices or while jumping, running in place, dancing, etc. Your younger kids in Preschool 4, Kindergarten and 1st grade are used to doing this each Sunday and Wednesday. Ask your kids how they want to say the verse. They have some fantastic ideas!
ACTIVITY: Hear My Voice
Bible or Bible App Psalm 23; John 10:1-10
Blindfolds (bandannas, tall socks, ties, etc)
Most fun outside in a backyard or open space
Blindfold all but person. These are the sheep. Have the person without the blindfold stand in the middle of the room. This person is the shepherd. (If you have a large family, you could have multiple shepherds calling for specific sheep. It adds the element of listening for the “right” shepherd. Sometimes we have multiple voices telling us to do things, but we have to discern which is God’s voice.
The shepherd will call out to the sheep to give them instructions to walk towards them. (No running allowed.) If desired, the shepherd can read Psalm 23 or from John 10 so the sheep can hear their voice. The shepherd can even move around safely but ultimately wants the sheep to get to them.
Once the sheep makes it to the shepherd, switch roles and repeat. Explain that because the sheep know the shepherd’s voice, they can know where to go. Just like if we would have had a stranger yelling for you, you wouldn’t follow that voice because you don’t know it! If we listen for Jesus and get to know Him, we will be able to listen for His direction in our lives easier. He is our shepherd and He cares for us!
A place to lie down (outside on a lovely day is perfect, but this can be done everyday in different places too!)
Calm sounds playing (peaceful waters, etc)
Find a place where you can all lie down without touching one another. You are simply going to lie still and rest in this time that God gives us. Try to have a minute or more of silence where everyone is just resting and still. Tell the kids to listen for what God might be saying to them. God’s “voice” may be a small voice or simply something or someone that comes to mind during this time. After a time of silence of resting and listening, you can ask if God said anything to them during this time. It’s ok for them to say No! It’s also ok just to rest in Him. Encourage them to keep taking time to listen and keep taking time to rest! See how long you can have a time of rest.
ACTIVITY: Hide and Sheep
Play a fun game of “Hide and Seek” where those who hide are the sheep and the one who finds them is the shepherd.
PRAYER TIME: Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Praying Together
Gather the children and say: Let’s pray together. Share praises and prayers. Using the phrase, “How can I pray for you?” is open-ended and encourages responses.
Go around the group and share joys and concerns. Encourage each person to share. Then, close by praying together. Allow all who want to pray out loud a chance to share. You could have one start then move to another, another, and so on. You are encouraged to take a turn also.
Ask your children to hold out their hands to receive this blessing you speak over them. A blessing implies a future hope, so speak these words with hope for your children!
Name(s), God loves you! Rest and have peace knowing God is in control and that He is your Shepherd. He cares for you and He protects you. Take time to listen for Him. Amen.