KidVenture Online


Though we are sad that we aren’t able to meet together for KidVenture, we want to provide you with an experience for all of our KidVenture kids and families! This experience is designed to work through at your own pace. Throughout the experience, there are opportunities to share with us. Pick some activities and get started! Enjoy!

Lesson: Paul and Silas in Jail

Week of: March 20

Scripture: Acts 16:25-34


Build a fort or put up a tent in your house. Hang out in there while you go through some of the following activities. Share pictures so we can all see each other!

Watch the Video:

Crossroads Kid’s Club video: God’s Story: Paul and Silas

Bible Activity:

Read Acts 16:25-34


God wants us to share His love with everyone, no matter where we are and no matter what we are doing.

  • How did Paul & Silas act when they were in prison?

  • How did they respond to the prison guard?

  • How do you think you would have responded to being in jail when you hadn’t committed a crime?

  • While we’re all at home, what are some ways you can share God’s love with others?

  • How are you praising God even through this time at home?


Song: Trust in the Lord

Paul & Silas sang a lot while in prison. Here are some songs we love to sing along to and also simply have on in the background anytime.

Songs from 2019 ROAR VBS:

  • I’m Trusting You

  • Whole Lotta Change

  • I Will Not Be Afraid

  • No Matter What I’m Facing

Songs from Shipwrecked VBS:

  • Never Let Go of Me

  • My Lighthouse

  • Million Reasons

Songs to search (YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Prime Music):

  • “This Is Amazing Grace” by Phil Wickham

  • “Lord I Need You” by Matt Maher

  • “Glorious Day” by Passion (feat. Kristian Stanfill)

  • “Who You Say I Am” by Hillsong Worship

  • “Good Good Father” by Chris Tomlin

  • “Lord I Need You” by Matt Maher

  • “Our God” by Chris Tomlin

  • “Alive” by Hillsong Young & Free

  • “What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong Worship

Remember Verse:

Proverbs 3:5–6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight. 

  • Memorization Options: Younger kids focus on the first sentence. Older kids are encouraged to memorize the whole verse. 

  • Work together to create actions to help remember the verse. Share a video on Facebook or email them to KidVenture.

  • Perform the Remember Verse in different voices or while jumping, running in place, dancing, etc. Your younger kids in Preschool 4, Kindergarten and 1st grade are used to doing this each Sunday and Wednesday. Ask your kids how they want to say the verse. They have some fantastic ideas!


Paul & Silas told the Jailer about Jesus even while they were stuck in a jail cell. What are some ways you and your family could tell people about Jesus or remind people about Jesus’ love even while you’re home during this time? 

Activity: Thankful Chains

  • Paper (kids can cut into narrow strips)

  • Scissors

  • Tape (for making strips into chain links)

Today we learned about Paul and Silas. Paul and Silas would pray and sing even while they were in jail. They were so thankful to know about Jesus! We’re not in jail, but we are all at home away from other family and friends for a while. We still have a lot to be thankful for!

Start a “Thankful Chain.”

  • On each paper chain, decorate it and write or draw something you are thankful for

  • Add chains every day and see how long you can make your Thankful Chain! 

  • Send a picture of your chains to the KidVenture email or post it on the KidVenture Facebook page (

  • Feel free to share more pictures as it gets longer!

Activity: Marshmallow (or other object) Building

Today in The Big God Story, children learned about a time when Paul and Silas were in prison, and how the prison was shaken in an earthquake. During this activity, kids/families will build a structure. Then, kids will get to shake their buildings like the earthquake shook the prison.


  • Use whatever building supplies you want.

  • Some ideas:

  • Legos

  • K’nex

  • Building blocks

  • Marshmallows

  • Play-doh

  • Spaghetti

  • Toothpicks

  • Q-tips

  • Toilet paper rolls 

  • Magna Tiles


Build a structure however tall or wide you would like. Try to make it strong and sturdy with the supplies you choose.

Invite kids to gently shake their structures like the earthquake shook the jail. You also could do various things to see how strong they are—place pencils, crayons, a beanbag, etc on it to see what it can hold.


Ask your children to hold out their hands to receive this blessing you speak over them. A blessing implies a future hope, so speak these words with hope for your children!

Name(s), may you know that Jesus loves you and is always with you. May you remember that no matter where you are, you are never alone. May you praise God and share His love with others even when you’re in a hard situation. Amen.